International Hermeneutic Academy for Ukrainians (IHAU)
International Institute for Hermeneutics expresses sympathy and solidarity with our suffering Ukrainian colleagues in their fight for freedom and independence. Toward that end, we are:
1. Recording lectures and seminars and creating the hermeneutic library.
2. Offering personal academic assistance to our Ukrainian friends by consulting and mentoring them.
3. Inaugurating International Hermeneutic Academy for Ukrainians.
International Hermeneutic Academy for Ukrainians (IHAU)
International Institute for Hermeneutics (IIH) is proud to inaugurate International Hermeneutic Academy for Ukrainians (IHAU). The first comprehensive hermeneutic program for advanced scholars (after Ph.D.) is offered in the form of a Postdoctoral fellowship for three years, 2022-2025. Ukrainian candidates who hold a Ph.D. in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Theology, and Arts are welcome to apply.
Every PostDoc Fellow will receive a personal mentor from among the Professores honoris causa of the IIH and other Senior Fellows of the Institute. The highest quality of academic work will be offered and expected. The program will consist of two monthly afternoon/evening sessions online (last Thursday and Friday of the month, 17.00-21.00 CET to facilitate Fellows and Mentors living in the different time zones).
PostDoc Fellows are required to participate actively in the sessions and publish an academic paper in Analecta Hermeneutica, the official Journal of the IIH https://www.iih-hermeneutics.org/analecta-hermeneutica or other academic Journal upon the approval of the personal mentor.
International Hermeneutic Academy for Ukrainians (2022-2025) offers a comprehensive engagement with hermeneutics in the welcoming gesture of hermeneutic hospitality. The following areas will be addressed:
The Universality of Hermeneutics
Philosophical Hermeneutics
Literary Hermeneutics
Theological Hermeneutics
Legal Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics of Education
Hermeneutics of Medicine
Hermeneutics of Architecture
Hermeneutics and Rhetoric
Hermeneutics and Phenomenology
Environmental Hermeneutics
Hermeneutic Aesthetics
Hermeneutic Philosophy of Religion
Hermeneutics and Imagination
Hermeneutics and Politics
Hermeneutics and Religion
Hermeneutics and Ethics
Hermeneutics and Social Sciences
Hermeneutics and Cognitive Sciences
Hermeneutics and Natural Sciences
Hermeneutics and Intercultural Philosophy
Interested candidates are invited to send an informal expression of interest as soon as possible to Professor Andrzej Wierciński, the President of the IIH at andrew.wiercinski@gmail.com. As the IIH, we are ready to facilitate starting IHAU, the PostDoc Fellowship, at the earliest possible date.
On behalf of the IIH, please accept our sympathy in this horrible time of war.
Hermeneutically yours,
Andrzej Wierciński