Editorial Principles
Aims and Scope
Published at least once a year by the International Institute for Hermeneutics (IIH), Analecta Hermeneutica serves the global community of scholars developing the hermeneutic tradition. An interdisciplinary venue, with special interest in the pedagogical and political potential of hermeneutics, the journal seeks articles from the relevant fields of philosophy, theology, and comparative literature. Although new insights into the history of ideas are welcome, the journal aims to ensure the relevance of hermeneutics to future scholarship and ever opening fields of thought. The journal welcomes select book reviews, written in English, on recent books published in any language or translations that advance the aims of the journal. Manuscripts are accepted for review in response to Analecta Hermeneutica calls for papers.
Publication Ethics and Standards
In keeping with the ethical values set by the standards, practices, and contemporary principles concerning the procedures for producing an international academic journal, Analecta Hermeneutica adheres to the formal practices detailed below, which bind its editorship, its authors, and its reviewers. Following such procedures is meant to ensure the finest quality of work is produced, selected, and published in a manner aspiring to being fair and respectful of all those involved and to maintain and contribute to the dignity of the academic publishing enterprise. These principles are adapted from and are meant to hold firm to those of Elsevier publishing company, which manages the Scopus abstract and citation database for international journals.
Review Process
Contributions are initially evaluated by the editorship and may be immediately rejected (i.e., desk rejection) if they are considered to be out of the scope of Analecta Hermeneutica or otherwise unfit for consideration (see below). The review process includes an editorial opinion and a double-anonymous peer review. The choice of reviewers is at the discretion of the editorship. The journal archives all materials and documents of the review process. Manuscripts that are not original research (e.g., editorials or book reviews) are not externally reviewed and are subject to the autonomous decision of the editorship.
Analecta Hermeneutica shall take every step to make certain each manuscript it reviews protects the author’s and reviewer’s confidentiality during the review process, is cared for in a timely manner, and provides authors with timely communique concerning the status of their manuscripts (including timelines were revisions required). These procedures allow for the editorship to select manuscripts based on the accepted standards of academic merit, in its most sophisticated definition.
The final decision on publication of the work in Analecta Hermeneutica remains with the editorship of the journal.
Authors will adhere to the accepted responsibilities when submitting manuscripts for review to Analecta Hermeneutica, these responsibilities include but are not limited to submitting work that…
is not elsewhere under review nor previously published
follows the formatting guidelines as indicated by the journal
provides the accepted ways of indicating work cited from other publications
respects word limits
is carefully proof-read by the author (before proofing is undertaken by the journal editorship)
has already obtained the rights to copyrighted materials when necessary
Failure to adhere to these guidelines constitutes sufficient and ample reason for the manuscript to be desk rejected.
Authors submitting a manuscript for review and publication in Analecta Hermeneutica consent to the following:
Authors will retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication. The work will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in Analecta Hermeneutica.
Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work—this would include, posting the work to an institutional repository or publishing it in a book—all or any such use would necessarily include an acknowledgement of its initial publication in Analecta Hermeneutica.
Open Access
Analecta Hermeneutica supports the principles of immediate open access to its published work. Consequently, all the journal’s published material at its official website, is freely available to the user in concordance with the conditions of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Analecta Hermeneutica does not charge any fees to authors to produce the journal nor does it restrict access by charging fees to access work published in the journal.
Format Guidelines for Manuscript Submission
By submitting to Analecta Hermeneutica, all manuscripts will:
be no more than 9,000 words (unless prior arrangements with the editorship have been made)
include an abstract of no more than 250 words and a list of 5-8 key terms
follow the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition for footnotes (not endnotes)
be submitted in Garamond 12-point font for the main text and 10-point font for the footnotes. The main text will be double spaced and footnotes single spaced. The main text will have a ragged right margin (i.e., left justified).
remove all identifying marks of the author to ensure anonymous peer review
use US English spelling, grammar, and punctuation
utilize the Oxford comma (i.e., serial comma)
place punctuation inside quotation marks
have no spaces before or after slash marks ( / ) or em dashes ( — )
set off the abbreviations i.e., and e.g., with commas
type ellipses as three periods each separated by one single space
Manuscripts not following the above, will be returned to the author for reformatting and resubmission.
Any disputes cornering practices undertaken by the journal that arise in the publication process will be cared for in a meeting with the authors and/or reviewers involved and the editorship of Analecta Hermeneutica. All such meetings will follow the guidelines as outlined by COPE (for further reference see: https://publicationethics.org/)
Submit a Proposal
If you're interested in guest editing an issue and to be considered for future calls, please prepare the following items and send them to us at AnalectaHermeneutica@asu.edu
Personal information: First name, last name, email address, and institution/affiliation
Curriculum Vitae
Brief academic biography for editing the proposed issue
Issue title/theme
Proposal (up to 500 words)
Description of how this theme supports our aims and scope